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Amazon S3 Drive

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What's the difference between Amazon Cloud Drive andS3?

Amazon S3 is the leading and most mature cloud storage service in the market now. We have seen more and more customers started to use Amazon S3 for their storage need. For these customers, the ability to map Amazon S3 as a Network Drive is critical. Drive mapping allows them to double click on a file and editing it in place. From a usability. Izotope elements suite 2 00. TntDrive is a new Amazon S3 Client for Windows. With TntDrive you can easily mount Amazon S3 Bucket as a Network or Removable Drive under Windows. Unlike many other Amazon S3 Clients, TntDrive offers an incredible simplicity of accessing your Amazon S3 Buckets and files. Unleash the Power of Amazon S3. Amazon Simple Storage Service is an object storage service that offers industry-leading scalability, data availability, security, and performance.This is why you already put files and folders into Amazon S3 and now you are looking for a solution that can mount s3 as a drive and can provide an easy way to access Amazon S3 buckets from the familiar Windows. Amazon S3 is designed for 99% (11 9's) of data durability because it automatically creates and stores copies of all S3 objects across multiple systems. This means your data is available when needed and protected against failures, errors, and threats. Learn about S3 data durability » Wide range of cost-effective storage classes. The S3 Drive enables Windows users to mount and interact with Amazon S3 storage as a local disk. Browse and open remote files with any application including the Microsoft Office Suite. Use Windows File Explorer to copy, move, rename and delete S3 objects as if they were files and folders.

Amazon Cloud Drive and Amazon Simple Storage Service(S3)are two different products or say: two difference services.Although they are all released by Amazon, Amazon S3 cameearlier than Amazon Cloud Drive. Their ideas and features havesomething different.

Amazon S3 is a web based storage service designed forusers to save and retrieve their data. Amazon Cloud Drive hasdesktop client and mobile app as well as web app. It is theconsumer front-end of Amazon S3. With an Amazon account, youcan upload digital content for storage. While using Amazon S3,you need more information.

Amazon Cloud Drive vs S3, which one is better?

When talking about difference, people always want to knowwhich one is better. Now let me compare them one by one.


There is no minimum fee of Amazon S3. As a part of AWSFree Usage Tier, you can start Amazon S3 for free with 5GB,20000 Get Requests, 2000 Put Requests and 15GB of data transferout each month for one year. Then it has Storage Pricing,Request Pricing and Data Transfer Pricing. Specific pricesplease refer to the official website for the sake of savingspace. You pay only for what you use, and prices are based onthe location of your Amazon S3 bucket.

For Amazon Cloud Drive, you can start with three monthsfree trail. Then you have two selections: pay $11.99 per yearto get unlimited photo storage, and 5 GB for videos and files.Or pay $59.99 per year for storing all photos, videos, filesand documents.

Login method

Using Amazon Cloud Drive, you just need to enter Amazon accountand password. While using Amazon S3, you need more information:Bucket Name, Access Key ID and Secret Access Key. How toget the latter two please click here.

Besides price and login method, there are still manydifferences between them. But it is hard to say which one isbetter, as 'what exists is reasonable'. The best one is which suits you.

How to manage Amazon Cloud Drive and S3 together?

People like to experience new things, especially youngpeople. Many of them have both Amazon Cloud Drive and S3.Managing them is a headache. Luckily, a free multiple cloud storage manager named MultCloud can combine them in one place thus you can access all your clouds with one login.

How to add Amazon S3 please refer to following article in MultCloud: Transfer files between Amazon S3 accounts.

Adding Amazon Cloud Drive is much easier. Type adisplay name in MultCloud, then click 'Add Amazon DriveAccount'. It will jump to Amazon official web page to getauthority.

Because Amazon cloud drive supports OAuthauthorization, which is MultCloud's authorization system. So MultCloud can build up a connection to Amazon Cloud Drive without username and password. And MultCloud does not save yourpassword.

After adding both Amazon Cloud Drive and Amazon S3 inMultCloud. You can visit their content via MultCloud and dosome common operations such as copying&pasting, deleting,cutting, etc.


Now that MultCloud can manage Amazon Cloud Drive and S3under one interface, there is no need to struggle which one isbetter. You can use them simultaneously. And sync, backup, move files between cloud services directly. Now MultCloud supports more than 20services, its transferring function is powerful: Scheduled filecopy and even transfer after power off! As for cloudmanager, it would be a great choice. Toast dvd windows.

Cloud drives have changed our lives and changed the way we store data. Most people are dealing with various cloud drives and using various cloud drives to store their files every day. Nowadays, there are some popular cloud drives in the market, such as Google Drive, OneDrive, Dropbox and Amazon S3. Users will choose different cloud services based on different reasons such as the price, function and storage of these cloud drives. Midi player with piano display. As a result, many users are having multiple cloud drives at the same time. Among them, Google Drive and Amazon S3 are cloud services used by millions of people, and users will use these two cloud drives together to store files, but we also know that managing all files in two different cloud services is not easy.

Amazon s3 amazon drive

Many users may encounter this problem: how to use the data of Google Drive when using Amazon S3? In fact, the best way is to sync Google Drive files to Amazon S3. In this way, by merging the files of the two cloud drives into Amazon S3, you can easily access Google Drive data in Amazon S3 at any time. Next, in this article, you will learn about two free ways to sync between Google Drive and Amazon S3. Let's take a look.

Option 1: The Basic Way of Downloading and Uploading

Step 1. Open your browser and log in your Google Drive and Amazon S3 account.

Graphic converter 10 7 100. Step 2. On the Google Drive page, select the files you want to sync, and click the 'Download' button from the drop-down window.

Amazon S3 Drive

Many users may encounter this problem: how to use the data of Google Drive when using Amazon S3? In fact, the best way is to sync Google Drive files to Amazon S3. In this way, by merging the files of the two cloud drives into Amazon S3, you can easily access Google Drive data in Amazon S3 at any time. Next, in this article, you will learn about two free ways to sync between Google Drive and Amazon S3. Let's take a look.

Option 1: The Basic Way of Downloading and Uploading

Step 1. Open your browser and log in your Google Drive and Amazon S3 account.

Graphic converter 10 7 100. Step 2. On the Google Drive page, select the files you want to sync, and click the 'Download' button from the drop-down window.

Step 3. On the Amazon S3 page, click the 'Upload' button, select the file you just downloaded to your computer, and wait for the upload process to complete.

This is the traditional way to sync between Google Drive and Amazon S3. You need to download the files from Google Drive to your computer first and then upload it to Amazon S3. We all know that whether it is uploading or downloading, if there are many files or the Internet speed is very slow, the whole process will take a lot of time. And if you need to synchronize the data between the two cloud drives frequently, continuous uploading and downloading will be particularly troublesome. Is there a simpler and more direct way? Of course, let's read on.

Option 2: The Effortless Way without Downloading and Uploading

Here, we will show you a better way to sync Google Drive data to Amazon S3 without downloading and uploading, it is a multiple cloud storage manager – MultCloud.

It can help you manage your multiple cloud drives with one login, such as Dropbox, OneDrive, Google Drive, pCloud, Amazon S3, Box and more popular cloud drives., and it supports to transfer or sync files directly from one cloud drive to another without any downloads and uploads, which makes it especially easy to move files between cloud services. Let's see how easy the whole process is.

Step 1. Create a MultCloud account for free, or you can click 'Experience without signing up'.

Step 2. Add your Google Drive and Amazon S3 account in MultCloud.

Amazon S3 Drive

Step 3. In the 'Cloud Sync' section, hit 'CLICK SOURCE' and 'CLICK DESTINATION' to select Google drive and Amazon S3 as the source and the destination respectively. And then click 'Sync Now' to start the sync task.

Syncing Google Drive data to Amazon S3 requires only these three steps. Congratulations, now you can use Google Drive data in Amazon S3.

Amazon S3 Vs Google Drive


  • All operations on MultCloud are safe, it will not save any of your data;
  • It provides multiple synchronization methods. You can choose your favorite one from Simple Sync, One-way Sync, Mirror Sync, Move Sync, Cumulative Sync, Update Sync, Incremental Backup Sync and All Backup Sync;
  • You can also enable Email Notifications so that you will receive email notifications when the task is completed;
  • More importantly, MultCloud is completely FREE to use!

Wrap Up

Following any of these methods will help you easily sync Google Drive with Amazon S3. If you want to use the second method, you may find it has many advanced features including 'Cloud Transfer', 'Cloud Sync', 'Cloud Explorer', etc. For example, you can use 'Cloud Transfer' to move files between cloud storage and use 'Cloud Explorer' to manage multiple cloud drive accounts on the same PC.

The Best Way to Sync Google Drive to Amazon S3, 10.0 out of 10 based on 1 rating

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